Charulata Chatterjee

Charulata Chatterjee

Yashoda Fertility and Research Institute


Charulata has completed her PhD and She is senior consultant embryologist at Yashoda Fertility and Research Institute, Hyderabad, India. She has a 18 long years’ experience in field of ART.  She keeps herself updated with recent advances in ART and regular in writing Abstracts, Posters , Oral paper presentations in national and international forum.


Objective: To evaluate the relation of delayed channel dissolution in oocytes after intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) with embryo quality and pregnancy rates  

Design: Randomized study

Patient(s): Total of 62 embryo transfers for couples undergoing IVF-ICSI procedure

Main outcome measure(s): Channel formation and timing of oocyte restoration after ICSI procedure, pronuclear, cleavage stage and pregnancy rate observation.

Methods: Out of 208 oocytes, 196 metaphase II oocytes were ICS injected. According to oocyte responses like channel shape and timing of restoration after ICSI, division was made in two groups. Group 1 is positive channel formation and normal restoration immediately after ICSI. Group 2 is delayed channel dissolution after ICSI (±2mins)  

Results: Out of 196 injected oocytes in 127 oocytes channel dissolved immediately whereas in 69 oocytes it was delayed restoration of channel. Fertilization rate between Group 1 and 2 were 84.92%, 68.25% respectively. ≥40% fragmentation is observed in group 2 (20.45%). 9 transfers on day 3 were with the embryos formed by constant channel. Out of 2 pregnancies (22.2%), one resulted in miscarriage. Remaining 53 embryo transfers were from the embryos derived from ICSI procedure where oocytes gained spherical shape immediately after ICSI. 20 (37.73%) resulted positive for pregnancy (p=0.3718).

Conclusion: This small group study suggests oocytes with viscous cytoplasm may result in aneuploid embryos, which may be a reason for miscarriage. Careful observation can help to select good quality embryo.