Brian G Hubka

Brian G Hubka

Contamination Prevention Technologies, USA


Brian G Hubka is the CEO of Contamination Prevention Technologies, Inc.  This company provides a vast array of contamination remediation and prevention technologies and products to eliminate and prevent mold, bacteria, viruses, prions and the like. They are also specialists in biofilm remediation and elimination. He also consults on contamination issues in pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies. He has worked with Pfizer, Amgen, Celgene and many others. He is a Graduate of University of Notre Dame pre-medicine.  He is also a frequent speaker and has authored book chapters for many PDA/DHI books.



Contamination Prevention is a common occurrence costing time delays for product release, product rejection by quality and product recall by the FDA. There are several new technologies that can quickly and completely eliminate contamination: How to prevent certain types of contamination. Identify extremely effective disinfectants that don’t harm stainless steel. Identify easier methods to validate cleaning and disinfection using biological indicators. Preventing and eliminating biofilm with ambient water.